
What is Snehana?

Snehana therapy, also known as Oleation therapy, is a crucial component of Panchakarma pre-operative or Poorva karma techniques in the world of Ayurveda. It encompasses both Snehana and Snehapanam, which involve the internal administration of oil or sneha. Snehana serves as the body's lubrication system, utilizing soft, lubricating, and oily fluids. This therapy is classified into two types: Internal oleation or Abyantara Sneha, and External oleation or Bahya Sneha. Medicated fats such as oils and ghees are administered in appropriate doses, either internally or externally, to achieve their desired effects.

The treatment is very helpful for reducing muscle tension and inflammation, enhancing blood flow, and clearing energy pathways. Swedana is also advised for illnesses linked to vitiation of the Vata and Kapha doshas.

Why oil is chosen and why it is applied over the skin?

“Skin” is the largest organ of the body, also referred to as a sense organ of touch is internally connected with nerve endings. Hence external application of oil (Tailam) directly hit the nerve ending.

Products (dravya) used for snehana therapy?

  • Ghee (Ghrita)

  • Oil (Taila)

  • Fat(Vasa)

  • Bone marrow(Majja)

    Benefits of Snehana

    Helps balance Vata and Kapha doshas
    Clears the body channels
    Eliminates toxins through the pores of the skin along with sweat
    Revitalizes and rejuvenates skin
    Increases digestion and metabolism
    Eases sore muscles, numbness, stiffness and rigidity
    Improves range of joint movement and mobility
    Improves activity of sensory organs


    • Skin disorders

    • Vata disorders

    • Physical weakness

    • Sleep disorders

    • Psychosomatic disorders

    • Metabolic disorders


      • Thirst
      • Pregnancy
      • Anger
      • Hunger
      • Grief
      • Body Weakness


      This process is also known as the Abhyanthara Sneha or Snehapanam. It is further classified into the following categories.

      • Achapana Snehapana
      • Vicharana Snehapana

      Achapana Snehapana is the consumption of medicated Sneha orally, Where the Sneha dravya is not mixed with any other medical preparation or food items. It is used for lubricating and preparing the tissues and the entire system of the human boefore carrying out extensive Panchakarma therapy.

      Vicharana Snehapana is the consumption of oil with other Ayurvedic medicines and other food products. It is also used for the lubrication purposes of the various parts of the human body. This can move through the rectal pathway, known as the Vasthi, or the nasal pathway, known as the Nasya. Or can be even consumed orally on a smaller dosage along with other ayurvedic medication for curative and palliative outcomes.